The numbers speak for themselves….
Positioning Performance
Quality of position solutions from all candidate technologies in EU Report
Only technology to deliver positioning in every required positioning test.
Centimetre-level or better, in every outdoor and indoor test environment
Performance quality is hundreds of times better than others
Extract: Table 18 on Page 76, JRC Test Summary Report.
Timing/Synchronization Performance
Quality of timing solutions from all candidate technologies in EU Report
Only technology to deliver timing in every required timing/synchronization test.
Only technology which delivers picosecond-level timing over multiple mediums:
Radio-frequency (RF)
Fibreoptic cable
Coaxial cable
and between each above medium, either individually or simultaneously.
RF-based picosecond-level timing over long-range (>105km) or campus-wide (2.2km)
RF-based picosecond-level time transfer for non-line-of-sight, indoor-to-outdoor
RF-based timing quality is generally hundreds or thousands of times better than others
Locata can transfer time tightly aligned to any externally supplied UTC reference
National Metrology Lab
White Rabbit
Atomic Reference
Via PPS or 10MHz inputs
RF-based time transfer to a stationary, mobile or moving asset, using a Locata receiver
Extract: Table 17 on Page 76, JRC Test Summary Report.